Pane Carasau

pane sardo

The Good bread of Sardinian tradition, prepared by hand in Sardinia, types and exclusively with products from the region Sardegna!

Il Forno

Il Forno Sardo was born in 2007 with the decision of Ms. Caboni, to invest in his passion for bread, respect for tradition and the search for the taste..

Pane Guttiau

E’ che un breaded Gustoso if differenzia slabs breaded carasau per the sua aggiunta said Olio Oliva said , is a very tasty bread, ideal to accompany everyday meals,

The ingredients

Il Forno Sardo only uses the ingredients in the chain of Sardinia, garantendo originalità he said un breaded Tradizionale and said Qualità .

Il Pane Sardo

Sardinian bread ingredients

Our bread keeps the original tradition, and aims at tables around the world, con un sapore Unico …

The tradition.

The Good Bread of Sardinian tradition that still, after thousands of years, unable to allietar the palate of those who brings to the table!

Pane Pistoccu

pane sardo

  Bread Pistoccu A dry bread and more often, also suitable for soups and bruschetta. Its unique texture allows it to adapt well to many recipes. A bread that is tasty and fragrant for a long time.       We follow the recipe for the bread pistoccu a personal recipe, che […]